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12. Subach, O.M., Olumayowa, F., Tang, M., Qiao, Y., Zhang, Y., Vlaskina, A. V., Nikolaeva, A.Y., Agapova, Y.K., Borschevskiy, V., Samygina, V.R., et al. Next-Generation Orange-to-Far-Red Photoconvertible Fluorescent Protein for Single-Molecule Microscopy and Protein Dynamic Tracking. 2024 [Publisher Link]


11. Franzesi, G. T., Gupta, I., Hu, M., Piatkevich, K. & et al. In Vivo Optical Clearing of Mammalian Brain. bioRxiv, 2024  doi: [Publisher Link] 


10. Dong, Z., Zhu, Y., Zhang, F., Wu, C., Chen, T., Chen, J., Jiang, W., Xiao, Q., Zheng, S., Piatkevich, K. D.*, & Guo, T.* Filter-aided expansion proteomics. BioRxiv, 2023.11.29.569242. [Publisher Link]


9. Lesnov, G., Zhang, H., Subach, O., Qin, W., & Borshchevskiy, V. Piatkevich, K.*, Subach, F.V.* Bright and stable monomeric fluorescent proteins derived from StayGold. FigShare, 2023 [Publisher Link]


8. Torres Cabán, C. C., Yang, M., Lai, C., Yang, L., Subach, F., Smith, B. O., Piatkevich, K. D.*, Boyden, E. S.* Tuning the sensitivity of genetically encoded fluorescent potassium indicators through structure-guided and genome mining strategies. bioRxiv 2021 2021.10.07.463355. [Publisher Link]

7. Babakhanova, S., Jung, E., Namikawa, K., ZHANG, H., Subach, O., Korzhenevskiy, D., Rakitina, T., Xiao, X., Wang, W., Shi, J., Drobizhev, M., Park, D., Eisenhard, L., Tang, H., Koster, R., Subach, F., Boyden, E.*, and Piatkevich, K. D.* (2021) Rapid Directed Molecular Evolution of Fluorescent Proteins in Mammalian Cells. bioRxiv 2021.08.02.454744. [Publisher Link]

6. Sim, J., Park, C. E., Cho, I., Min, K., Lee, J.-S., Chong, Y., Kim, J., Kang, J. S., Piatkevich, K. D., Jung, E. E., Kwon, S.-K., Yoon, Y.-G., Boyden, E. S., and Chang, J.-B. (2021) Whole-ExM: Expansion microscopy imaging of all anatomical structures of whole larval zebrafish. bioRxiv 2021.05.18.443629. [Publisher Link]

5. Gao, R., Yu, C. C. (Jay), Gao, L., Piatkevich, K. D., Neve, R. L., Upadhyayula, S., and Boyden, E. S. (2019) A highly homogeneous expansion microscopy polymer composed of tetrahedron-like monomers. bioRxiv 814111. [Publisher Link]

4. Qian, Y., Cosio, D. M. O., Piatkevich, K. D., Aufmkolk, S., Su, W.-C., Celiker, O. T., Schohl, A., Murdock, M. H., Aggarwal, A., Chang, Y.-F., Wiseman, P. W., Ruthazer, E. S., Boyden, E. S., and Campbell, R. E. (2020) Improved genetically encoded near-infrared fluorescent calcium ion indicators for in vivo imaging. bioRxiv 2020.04.08.032433. [Publisher Link]

3. Fan, L. Z., Kheifets, S., Böhm, U. L., Piatkevich, K. D., Wu, H., Parot, V., Xie, M. E., Boyden, E. S., Takesian, A. E., and Cohen, A. E. (2019) All-optical electrophysiology reveals excitation, inhibition, and neuromodulation in cortical layer 1. bioRxiv 614172. [Publisher Link]

2. Piatkevich, K. D., Bensussen, S., Tseng, H., Shroff, S. N., Lopez-Huerta, V. G., Park, D., Jung, E. E., Shemesh, O. A., Straub, C., Gritton, H. J., Romano, M. F., Costa, E., Sabatini, B. L., Fu, Z., Boyden, E. S., and Han, X. (2019) Population imaging of neural activity in awake behaving mice in multiple brain regions. bioRxiv 616094. [Publisher Link]

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